2012년 5월 2일 수요일

Types of love featured in the Merchant of Venice.

The Merchant of Venice written by Shakespear, written somewhere between 1596~1598.
This story contains various features, such as tragedy, revenge and love.
Focus on the features of love.I think it should be a friendship, love between father and child, romantic love and the love possesion for money. These four features are all included in the story.

But, the most strongest feature of love in this story is a 'friendship',because if see the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio, they have real strong friendship. When Antonio was in trouble, Bassanio was the one who tried to help him alot. For example, Bassanio could ask money for Shylock because they are really close, good friends and Antonio could accept it for him because they believed each other, and they both were sure about each other, giving the money back . Also, in the judge, When Antonio was about to die, Bassanio brought the money for Shylock and begged him not to kill him.
Like this, there are few evidences which shows they're friendship.

As i mentioned before, there are many other features of love like love between father and child which can be Shylock and Jessica, romantic love which can be Portia and Bassanio,Lorenzo and Jessica, Gratiano and Nerrisa, love possesion for money which can be, Portia and other princes who came to choose the duckets only for money.

But in many features like those, i think the strongest  relationship can be "friendship".

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  1. Good try but you can write much better that and you know it... I liked your take on the topic but please be careful with the spellings and the subject verb agreement.
